Zalaegerszegi TE
Finished2 : 3
14th Apr 2024
Ferencvarosi TC

Zalaegerszegi TE - Ferencvarosi TC match stats

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Head to Head Stats

Zalaegerszegi TE 7 goals
Ferencvarosi TC 16 goals
Last 6 matches
1 wins
0 draws
5 wins
  • 14-04-24Zalaegerszegi TE2 : 3Ferencvarosi TC
  • 17-12-23Ferencvarosi TC3 : 0Zalaegerszegi TE
  • 03-09-23Zalaegerszegi TE2 : 6Ferencvarosi TC
  • 19-03-23Zalaegerszegi TE1 : 0Ferencvarosi TC
  • 24-01-23Zalaegerszegi TE1 : 2Ferencvarosi TC
  • 30-10-22Ferencvarosi TC2 : 1Zalaegerszegi TE


Zalaegerszegi TEG. Márton
Ferencvarosi TCD. Stanković
Dávid Dombó
Dávid Dombó
D. Dombó 1
Norbert Szendrei
Norbert Szendrei
N. Szendrei 11
Stefanos Evangelou
Stefanos Evangelou
S. Evangelou 41
Oleksandr Safronov
Oleksandr Safronov
O. Safronov 33
Sinan Medgyes
Sinan Medgyes
S. Medgyes 32
Yohan Croizet
Yohan Croizet
Y. Croizet 10
Bence Bedi
Bence Bedi
B. Bedi 27
Bojan Sanković
Bojan Sanković
B. Sanković 18
Máté Sajbán
Máté Sajbán
M. Sajbán 9
Gergely Mim
Gergely Mim
G. Mim 6
Antonio Mance
Antonio Mance
A. Mance 19
Kenan Kodro
K. Kodro 11
Adama Malouda Traoré
A. Malouda 20
Bálint Katona
B. Katona 55
Mohammad Abu Fani
M. Abu 15
Kristoffer Zachariassen
K. Zachariassen 16
Habib Maïga
H. Maïga 80
Cebrail Makreckis
C. Makreckis 25
Myenty Abena
M. Abena 22
Endre Botka
E. Botka 21
Cristian Ramírez
C. Ramírez 99
Dénes Dibusz
D. Dibusz 90

Teams Matches

Hungary NB ITBD03:00Zalaegerszegi TEPaks
Hungary NB ITBD03:00Puskas AcademyZalaegerszegi TE
Hungary NB ITBD03:00Zalaegerszegi TEMTK Budapest
Hungary NB IFT18:15Kecskeméti TEZalaegerszegi TE 21 L
Hungary NB IFT18:30Zalaegerszegi TEPaks 11 D
Hungary NB IFT14:00Mezokovesd-zsoryZalaegerszegi TE 12 W
Hungary NB IFT21:00Zalaegerszegi TEPuskas Academy 10 W
Hungary NB IFT17:00Videoton FCZalaegerszegi TE 11 D
Hungary NB IFT17:30Zalaegerszegi TEFerencvarosi TC 23 L
Hungary NB IFT21:00UjpestZalaegerszegi TE 15 W
Hungary NB IFT20:30Zalaegerszegi TEDiosgyori VTK 51 W
Hungary NB IFT13:30Debreceni VSCZalaegerszegi TE 51 L
Hungary NB IFT21:00Zalaegerszegi TEMTK Budapest 22 D
Hungary NB IFT15:30Kisvarda FCZalaegerszegi TE 10 L
Hungary Magyar KupaFT18:30Diosgyori VTKZalaegerszegi TE 42 L
Hungary NB ITBD03:00Diosgyori VTKFerencvarosi TC
Hungary NB ITBD03:00Ferencvarosi TCKecskeméti TE
Hungary NB ITBD03:00Debreceni VSCFerencvarosi TC
World Friendlies Clubs15:00CSKA 1948Ferencvarosi TC
Hungary NB IFT21:15Ferencvarosi TCUjpest 20 W
Hungary Magyar KupaAET20:30PaksFerencvarosi TC 20 L
Hungary NB IFT20:30Diosgyori VTKFerencvarosi TC 20 L
Hungary NB IFT19:30Ferencvarosi TCDebreceni VSC 51 W
Hungary NB IFT18:45MTK BudapestFerencvarosi TC 12 W
Hungary Magyar KupaFT21:00NyiregyhazaFerencvarosi TC 12 W
Hungary NB IFT18:00Ferencvarosi TCKisvarda FC 00 D
Hungary NB IFT17:30Zalaegerszegi TEFerencvarosi TC 23 W
Hungary NB IFT19:00Ferencvarosi TCDiosgyori VTK 21 W
Hungary NB IFT15:45Ferencvarosi TCPaks 10 W
Hungary Magyar KupaFT21:00Diosgyori VTKFerencvarosi TC 02 W

Match Preview

Zalaegerszegi TE will play against Ferencvarosi TC as part of NB I season 2024/2025. Zalaegerszegi TE vs Ferencvarosi TC match kick-off is scheduled for 14 April 2024 at 05:30. The match will be played at ZTE-Aréna in Zalaegerszeg. Find more details about the match below, including stats, H2Hs, match facts, and standings. The data will help you decide on your Zalaegerszegi TE vs Ferencvarosi TC prediction.

Data Analysis

Using the latest data provided for both teams and based on our database with statistical information, we can provide some details about the chances of Zalaegerszegi TE and Ferencvarosi TC in this game.

The last 10 Zalaegerszegi TE matches across all competitions saw the team winning 4 of the matches, 3 of the results ended in a draw,and they lost 3.

Ferencvarosi TC stats (across the last 10 matches) point to wins 7, draws 2 and losses 2. A rundown of the number of goals in the last 10 matches shows that Zalaegerszegi TE scored an average of 2.1 goals per game. The stats obtained from the results of Ferencvarosi TC show that the team achieves an average of 1.7 goals per match.

Zalaegerszegi TE vs Ferencvarosi TC Head-to-head

The Head To Head (Zalaegerszegi TE vs. Ferencvarosi TC) details the 6 previous meetings for the last 2 years. The data shows the end score in the last matches - Zalaegerszegi TE won 1, while Ferencvarosi TC won 5 of the games. The number of ties is 0. The last time they met was on 14 April 2024, when the match's final score was 2:3for Ferencvarosi TC.

Zalaegerszegi TE - Ferencvarosi TC Livestream

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