Newells Old Boys vs Kimberley Mar del Plata live
Teams Matches
Match Preview
Newells Old Boys will play against Kimberley Mar del Plata as part of Copa Argentina season 2025/2026. Newells Old Boys vs Kimberley Mar del Plata match kick-off is scheduled for 15 February 2025 at 02:00. The match will be played at in . Find more details about the match below, including stats, H2Hs, match facts, and standings. The data will help you decide on your Newells Old Boys vs Kimberley Mar del Plata prediction.
Data Analysis
Using the latest data provided for both teams and based on our database with statistical information, we can provide some details about the chances of Newells Old Boys and Kimberley Mar del Plata in this game.
The last 10 Newells Old Boys matches across all competitions saw the team winning 2 of the matches, 2 of the results ended in a draw, and they lost 6.
Kimberley Mar del Plata stats (across the last 10 matches) point to wins 0, draws 0 and losses 0. A rundown of the number of goals in the last 10 matches shows that Newells Old Boys scored an average of 1.0 goals per game. The stats obtained from the results of Kimberley Mar del Plata show that the team achieves an average of 0.0 goals per match.
Newells Old Boys vs Kimberley Mar del Plata Head-to-head
There are no previous matches between the two teams.
Newells Old Boys - Kimberley Mar del Plata Livestream
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