1.38Over 7.5 Corners10
1.50Over 1.5 Goals10
Talleres failed to show their best in the first two matches of the season in Argentina. Next up is a home game against Lanus.
Will there be goals?
Both teams are in a rather weak state at the moment in the early weeks of the championship, although Lanus did win their last match. In each of the last five matches between the teams, there have been at least two goals scored, and last year's runner-up, Talleres, will be looking for their first win now. Whether it will be achieved is not entirely clear. Lanus, on the other hand, showed weakness in their first away game, so we will see if the team is capable of something better now.
Bet on over 1.5 goals
I expect there to be corners as well, in connection with a possible home team pressure.
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